
Berlin Neukölln

Groups - Awareness through Movement

I am teaching Feldenkrais - Awareness through Movement classes at Fincan (Altenbraker Strasse 26) in Neukölln. Please register by mail or phone or fitogram (https://fincan.eu/) and arrive a few minutes in advance. The classes are happening at those hours:

Tuesdays 20:30 (in english)
Fridays 10:30 (in english)

The price for a class is 14 Euro (income > 1000€) or 10 Euro (income < 1000€). There are also 10-class cards for 120 / 90 Euro.

If you have any questions, feel free to call or write.


Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais teaching Awareness through Movement to his students in Amherst:

© International Feldenkrais® Federation Archive, Michael Wolgensinger